Creating File
#include <windows.h> int main() { HANDLE fH = NULL; LPCTSTR fileName = "testfile.txt"; char buff_in[512] = "Creating test file using windows API's"; int bytes_written = 0; int status;
/* */ fH = CreateFile(fileName, /*lpFileName*/ GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, /* dwDesiredAccess */ FILE_SHARE_WRITE, /* dwShareMode */ NULL, /* lpSecurityAttributes */ CREATE_NEW, /* dwCreationDisposition, Creates a new file, only if it does not already exist.*/ SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, /* dwFlagsAndAttributes, we can also pass
FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE to close file once we are done handling it */ NULL /* hTemplateFile */ ); if (fH == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("Invalid file handle"); } status = WriteFile(fH, /* hFile */ buff_in, /* lpBuffer */ 512, /* nNumberOfBytesToWrite */ &bytes_written, /* lpNumberOfBytesWritten */ NULL /* lpOverlapped */ ); if (status != 0) { printf("Successfully wrote to file %s", fileName); } return 0; }
Snap shot shows execution, file created with text inside and properties set.
#include <windows.h>Somehow binary_type value is not getting printed properly. By using fileData, we can also print access times, modified time etc.
int main()
HANDLE fH, hFind;
WIN32_FIND_DATA fileData;
LPCTSTR fileName = "testfile.txt";
char buff_in[512] = "Creating test file using windows API's";
int bytes_written = 0;
int status, ftype, fsize, fsh, binary_type;
char dir_path[80]="C:\\Documents and Settings\\praveen \
\\My Documents\\mal_files\\";
char file_ext[8] = "*.exe";
char filepath[128];
strcpy(filepath, dir_path);
strcat(filepath, file_ext);
/* relative path did not work*/
hFind = FindFirstFile(filepath, /* lpFileName, */
&fileData /* lpFindFileData */ );
while (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
printf("fileName=%s(%d)\n", fileData.cFileName, GetLastError());
strcpy(filepath, dir_path);
strcat(filepath, fileData.cFileName);
fH = CreateFile(filepath, /*lpFileName*/
FILE_SHARE_WRITE, /* dwShareMode */
NULL, /* lpSecurityAttributes */
OPEN_EXISTING, /* dwCreationDisposition, Creates a
new file, only if it does not already exist.*/
/* dwFlagsAndAttributes */
NULL /* hTemplateFile */);
if (ERROR_FILE_EXISTS == GetLastError())
printf("file exists(%d)\n", GetLastError());
printf("Invalid file handle (%d)\n", GetLastError());
return -1;
printf("Stats of file=\"%s\"\n", filepath);
ftype = GetFileType(fH);
fsize = GetFileSize(fH, &fsh);
GetBinaryType(filepath, &binary_type);
printf("file type =%d(1=Disk File)\n", ftype);
printf("file size=%d(%d) bytes\n", fsize, fsh);
printf("binary_type=%d, error=%d\n", binary_type, GetLastError());
printf("We can print file attributes from fileData\n");
if(!FindNextFile(hFind, &fileData)) {
return 0;