LoadLibraryA Takes DLL name as argument and returns handle to DLL. GetProcAddress Takes DLL handle and function name as arguments and returns address of the interested function.
#include"windows.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HINSTANCE handle; LPWSTR procAddr; //handle=LoadLibrary(TEXT("C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\kernel32.dll")); handle = LoadLibrary(argv[1]); if(handle != NULL) { procAddr = (LPWSTR)GetProcAddress(handle,argv[2]); if(procAddr != NULL) { printf("In %s API \"%s\" is located at %#x\n", argv[1], argv[2], procAddr); } else { printf("Address not found\n"); } } else { printf("NULL handle"); } //Free DLL Module FreeLibrary(handle); return 0; }
Above program is compiled to ll_gp.exe and takes 2 arguments. To build and compile binary using Dev-C++ press F9 key.
ll_gp.exe dll_name api_name
For Windows Programming below link can be used as reference